FENG SHUI for Home Wellness

– Courtesy of Farm Star Living

Feng Shui is the Chinese art and science of placement of design and elements in one's home,
making harmony, balance, and positive flow of one’s environment the focus. This has been a practice for thousands of years and means 'wind' and 'water' – reflective of chi, which means life force energy.

I talked to Kate MacKinnon, an expert and consultant in Feng Shui and a featured TEDx speaker (on another subject as well).

She shared how intention is the key to everything, and your home will reflect this intention as well. Your own inner world shines through in your home, so Kate's dedicated to helping people create an environment in which they can really thrive overall.

Feng Shui supports this goal and helps to create this energy, flowing positively across the entire space. She says consider your home as a 'stage,' where you'd see a dancer from one side to the other. She said to think of your home in the same way, with energy flowing from one side to another. This chi is moving from one space to the next, so it's important for it to not be blocked and flow freely.

Some times we don't know where or how we're blocked, so Kate work to find what she calls "pain points." These are areas of their lives that feel stuck or out of alignment, so Kate then partners with them to unblock their home and also their lives.

From clearing one's home and creating a more energetically positive, flowing space, one typically will find that their lives soon reflect these change as well. Serving as a catalyst to change in someone's lives, the home is now reflecting an inner world of more peace and harmony. All of this then becomes more apparent in their physical lives, too. So many people find that they have a break-through in their career, or personal life after doing this kind of work.

Kate says that often her clients will often get a raise, make more money, meet their soul mate, or something magically transforms and shifts in their lives soon after. She says that after this work is complete, we ultimately feel more fulfilled and in alignment, finding our own true ‘North.’

If you are interested in doing this kind of work,  contact Kate directly. In the meantime, here are some great tips to get you started finding your true 'North,' too!


Clear the Clutter: Clutter is considered as clots in our arteries. This can cause extra stress and even raise your blood pressure!

Take a look at the stuff around you – in your pantry, drawers, closets, cupboards, surfaces. Start to really ask yourself if you need this now? Are you using it? Or are you hanging on to it because you think one day you 'might' need this? Start with one drawer or cupboard at a time, and you'll start to make a difference slowly but surely.

Check Entrances and Hallways: Are your doors getting stuck? If you have any doors with problems like this, you could find you're have joint diseases like arthritis.

As the entryway into your home, these are also entryways of chi. So, if you're cluttering the openings, you're blocking the good healing energy from flowing.

Kate advises to make sure the doors are closing properly, check for loose doorknobs and make sure the hinges aren't squeaking.

Examine The Plumbing: Let the love and prosperity flow – and that is represented by plumbing.

Don't let your good energy drain out of your home, and that's what the plumbing leaks can do as well. Moving water is indicative of good energy flowing, but you don't want it flowing out – as well as love. You want to keep as much of that as possible! So, check for leaky toilets and faucets.

For more great tips and info, see Kate and check out her website to keep that good energy all around you.

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