Enjoy our curated international list of properties that offer mind · body · spirit wellness…but with a farm-fresh twist!
Search below for refreshing getaways to renew yourself.

We take you behind the scenes to explore these wellness destinations and unique experiences. Check out this video from Melia Punta Cana Beach.

either a farm, garden or vineyard on property
true farm-to-table cuisine
or using indigenous, natural ingredients or products in spa services

I’m Mary Blackmon, and I realize that wellness means different things to all of us. To me, farm-fresh food is at the core of great health, but it’s also essential to your mind•body•spirit wellness! That’s why we think it’s important to find a getaway that not only offers something to improve your overall wellness, but that also offers its own farm-fresh twist! Check out the hundreds of properties we’ve selected via our search, and I sincerely hope you’ll be on your way to your best and most healthy, inspired self yet! I so appreciate your being here. #LiveGrounded!